The author makes a good point about New Year's Resolutions. They usually don't work. They're often lofty goals that are out of reach and have no action plan attached. This author suggests "New Year's Intentions" instead. I like to set goals for myself for the new year. I try to make them about something I'm already involved in, something in which I'd like to improve. It's important not to set goals too high.
In 2012 I planned to send out my completed fiction novel to three agents, write my first non-fiction, get it published in eBook format and begin the second non-fiction. I accomplished the first two and began some research for the last one. Looking back, I can say to myself, "Not bad." I realize these weren't huge, but they were doable.
I also believe it's important to set goals/intentions that motivate you to take care of yourself. Purpose in this new year to set aside time to rest, to exercise, to meditate, to be thankful for your health, accomplishments and family. Remind yourself throughout the year that you are valuable, talented and good. Remind yourself that you are the apple of the eye of God. He rejoices over you and wants all the best for you. He's cheering you on and empowering you to do and be all He's made you to do and be.
Here's my non-fiction eBook that came out in October. You can find it at my website,, or on Amazon, Barnes & Noble or anyplace you find eBooks.
For comment, please share any success with New Year's goals you've had or any goals you're making for 2013.