Thursday, March 24, 2011

Promises Promises

Thanks to Mr. Brown Thumb for the pic. Check out his great blog about urban gardening.

A single seed in the palm of my hand holds so much promise. This tiny seed will grow into a basil plant, from which I will cut to enhance summer meals. My mind wanders to caprese sandwiches; balsamic on crusty bread, topped with fresh mozzarella, basil and juicy tomato slices. Yum! But for now the seed remains intact. It's potential will not be realized until I plant it.

"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain . . .falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." ~John 12:24.

The snow shouts from outside my window that winter remains, but I as I ponder my seed, I'm assured that spring is here and soon I can plant this tiny promise into the ground. And when this seed dies, it's life will be realized.

My thoughts shift to inward seeds. Birthed from our imagination, these seeds become dreams from which we make plans for life. But so often we discover that we must allow our dreams to die in the ground of circumstances and discouragement. With time and attention, prayer and faith these seeds may yet sprout new life.

If God has planted a dream in your heart and it seems like the dream is dead, be patient. Watch and pray. In faith, sprinkle some water on it every now and then. See what faith will do with that seed.

Don't give up. The promise of the seed awaits.

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