I've been feeling sluggish, unmotivated and can't seem to shake the five pounds I picked up since the holidays. My body is crying out for a detox plan. Today as I arrive home from work I open the mail box to discover my "Whole Living" magazine with a 28-day Detox plan.
At this moment I might be persuaded to believe that the "Law of Attraction" theory is correct. My body cried out for something and the universe provided it. (Though I much prefer to think of God as the One who provided. He's much more personal and we have history). Anyway, I discovered this great plan for detoxifying your life including: Diet, Exercise, and Mental Focus. And it's not too difficult.
I came to the 28-Day Challenge late since I just renewed my old subscription. They started the plan at the beginning of January but it can be useful at any time. I think Spring would be a good time too--coming out of hibernation and into the sunlight. A great time to start fresh.
They've included a plan for each of four weeks with recipes and exercises (mental as well as physical). I'll let you check it out here. Let me know what you think.